Anthropologists in the Museum


The Department of Anthropology is privileged to have strong scholastic and professional ties to the University’s Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Located on the third floor of the museum itself, our department’s physical proximity to these incredible collections, exhibitions, and galleries allows students and classes to engage directly with cultural material in a premiere regional center of anthropological and archaeological exhibition and public programing.

Additionally, many of our faculty in the Department of Anthropology hold joint positions in the museum as faculty curators. These direct faculty connections, in turn, affords the department a prime platform to engage diverse local, regional, and international audiences in the relevance and value of anthropological scholarship.

Please enjoy learning more about the important museological work undertaken by our faculty and students below!

To learn more about the Penn Museum and how to visit, click here!



Explore the recent work undertaken by anthropology faculty in the museum’s exhibit halls and galleries!


Middle East Galleries: Journey to the City

Curator - Lauren Ristvet


Bearing Witness: Four Days in West Kingston

Curator - Deborah Thomas


Moundbuilders: Ancient Architects of North America

Curator - Megan Kassabaum


The Stories We Wear

Curator - Lauren Ristvet


Eastern Mediterranean

Curator - Lauren Ristvet


Ancient Food & Flavor

Curators - Katherine Moore and Chantel White

Mexico & Central America

Curator - Simon Martin


Are you eager to learn more about faculty research interests in the museum and beyond? Browse our list of faculty curators below to explore their particular curatorial specialties and research interests!

American Section

Asian Section

Near East Section

  • Lauren Ristvet, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Dyson Associate Curator

Physical Anthropology Section

  • Janet M. Monge, Adjunct Professor, Associate Curator-in-Charge and Keeper of Collections