Careers in Anthropology


For students with Bachelor’s degrees in anthropology, job hunting can be intimidating. It can be even more stressful since there are few relevant job postings specifically looking for anthropologists. Fortunately, there are many job opportunities for those with undergraduate anthropology degrees, but students need to be savvy in their approach to finding these positions. These types of jobs are generally not linked to the term “anthropologist”, but rather to the skills that students will have honed during their time at the University of Pennsylvania. These skills include ethnographic research, statistics, GIS, qualitative analysis, etc.

During their time at Penn, students have a variety of opportunities outside the classroom to help them expand these valuable skillsets. Penn’s anthropology department has many resources that can help students find internships, obtain leadership experience by getting involved in the Anthropology Undergraduate Board (AUB), volunteer at the Penn Museum, and attend networking opportunities like the weekly colloquium series. The undergraduate chair and undergraduate coordinator are also always willing to talk with students about career opportunities. Finally, Penn’s Career Services department offers numerous valuable resources for the new jobseeker. One that students should be particularly aware of is Handshake, an excellent resource for connecting students with relevant job opportunities.

Helpful Links

  • Handshake at Penn is a powerful platform connecting students with relevant employment opportunities. 
  • USA Jobs for anthropology jobs in the Federal Government.