Graduate Student Accomplishments


Congrats to our 2023-2024 Graduates!


December 2023

Kristina Nielsen

Aisha Chughtai

Volney Friedrich

Elliot Montpellier

Dina Asfaha

Chuan Hao “Alex” Chen

Justin Reamer


May 2024

Mariana Irby

Francisco Diaz

Caroline Hodge

Robbie Vigar

Kim Fernandes

Stephanie Mach

Emily Sutcliffe

Nooshin Sadeghsamimi

Gillian Maris Jones


2023-2024 PhD Candidacy Examinations

Hakimah Abdul-Fattah

Matthew Capps

Jeanne Lieberman

Katleho Shoro



2023-2024 Student Accolades


Adwaita Banerjee

University of Pennsylvania Dean’s Scholar 2023-2024; University of Pennsylvania Dissertation Research Award 2024


Aliyah Bixby-Driessen

Taiwan Foundation for Democracy Dissertation Fellowship 2024


Ankita Reddy,

Provost’s Graduate Academic Engagement Fellowship at the Netter Center 2023-2025


Autumn Melby

Southeastern Archaeology Conference: Charles Hudson Award; Southeastern Archaeology Conference: Public Outreach Grant


Caroline Hodge

Social Sciences Representative Speaker, 2024 Graduate Division of Arts and Sciences Commencement; Association for Feminist Anthropology, 2023 Dissertation Award


Charlotte Williams

Mellon Fellow, Democracy and Landscape Initiative at Dumbarton Oaks 2024


Chelsea Cohen

Hamer Fellowship from the McNeil Center for Early American Studies


Chrislyn Laurore

Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant 2023-2024


Dina Asfaha

Postdoctoral Associate, Anthropology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Elliot Montpellier

Research Fellow, Centre for Advanced Internet Studies, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany


Hakimah Abdul-Fattah

Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant 2023-2024


Jake Nussbaum

 Mellon Scholars Program in African American History Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Library Company of Philadelphia


Jamaludin (Wani) Nursyazwani  

Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant 2024-2025; University of Pennsylavania Dissertation Research Award 2024; H+U+D Graduate Student Research Grant 2023; Penn Global Dissertation Grant


Jeanne Lieberman

University of Pennsylvania Dissertation Research Award 2024; Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant 2024-2025


Jimil Ataman

Tenure-Track Position as Assistant Professor of Sustainable Innovation in the Global Fashion Industry in the Department of Human Ecology at the University of Alberta


Justin Reamer

Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Bowdoin College


Katey Mari

University of Pennsylvania Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2024


Katleho Shoro

University of Pennsylvania Dissertation Research Award 2024; Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant 2024-2025; Women at Work Fieldwork Grant 2024


Kim Fernandes

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Human Computer Interaction in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto 2024


Kristina Nielsen

Lecturer, Binghamton University, State University of New York


Mariana Irby

Postdoctoral Fellowship at the NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia for 2024-2025


Gillian Maris Jones

Nancy M. Farriss Award from the Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies for the paper: “Gifts from the Ancestors: Plant Wisdom, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and Intergenerational Teachings” 2024


Moriah McKenna

 Kolb Society 2024; Thomas Zwicker Funds 2024


Nipun Kottage

Penn Prize for Excellence in Teaching by Graduate Students 2023-2024


Rebecca Winkler

Provost’s Netter Center Academic Engagement Fellowship 2024-2026


Ross Perfetti

University of Pennsylvania Dissertation Research Award 2024; Wenner-Gren Foundation 2023, National Science Foundation Recipent, Leonard Davis Institute for Health Economics


Stephanie Mach

Curator of North American Ethnographic Collections, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University


Tayeba Batool

American Association of University Women (AAUW) American Fellowship 2024-2025; Mitchell Center and PPEH Grad Fellow 2023-2024; Thomas Zwicker Funds 2024


Xiao Ke

University of Pennsylvania Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2024