Anthropology Course Attributes

There are five concentrations in the anthropology undergraduate degree: archaeology, biological anthropology, cultural/linguistic anthropology, environmental anthropology, and medical anthropology and global health. Anthropology course attributes are used to designate which courses count for which concentrations. Course attributes are located under the Section Attributes in Path:


The five main anthropology attributes are as follows: 

ANTH Biological Anthropology (AABI) 

ANTH Cultural and Linguistics (AACL) 

ANTH Environmental Anthropology (AAEA)

ANTH Archeology (AAAR)

ANTH Medical Anthropology and Global Health (AAMA) 


For anthropology majors looking to fill their non-ANTH electives, always be sure to check the Section Attributes in Path to see whether or not a course carries an anthropology attribute. If a course carries the attribute for your concentration, it will automatically count towards your non-ANTH electives.  


For anthropology minors looking to meet the distribution requirements of the minor, please remember that, even if a course carries an anthropology attribute, it will only count for the minor if the course has an ANTH number or is crosslisted with an ANTH course. Courses without an ANTH number but with an ANTH attribute can only be used by majors seeking to fulfill their non-ANTH electives.