Anthropology Colloquium: Publics speaking: Taking ownership of languages in Native North America post-NAGPRA (Robert Moore)

Monday, October 24, 2011 - 8:00am

Room 345, Department of Anthropology, Penn Museum

Department of Anthropology Colloquium Series

"Publics speaking: Taking ownership of languages in Native North America post-NAGPRA"

Robert Moore, Universityof Pennsylvania

Dr. Moore joined the University of Pennsylvania community as a Lecturerin Educational Linguistics in the Graduate School of Education in 2011.Before coming to Penn, he held faculty appointments in a number ofdepartments and institutions, including the National University ofIreland (Anthropology Department), the University of IllinoisUrbana-Champaign (Linguistics Department), New York University(Anthropology Department), and Reed College (Anthropology Departmentand Linguistics Program). Dr. Moore's linguistic and ethnographicresearch has included a long-term study of language obsolescence andheritage language maintenance and teaching efforts in the Warm SpringsReservation community (Oregon, USA) and studies of the sociolinguisticsof contemporary Ireland with special attention to the mediatization of'accent' in Irish English.