Examining Occupy : A Panel Discussion and Open Forum (Andy Lamas, Ania Loomba, & Phil Nichols)

Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 1:30pm

Philomathean Halls, 400 College Hall

Examining Occupy : A Panel Discussion and Open Forum

Andy Lamas (Urban Studies), Ania Loomba (English), Phil Nichols (Legal Studies)

Thursday, November 17. 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Therecent, rapid growth of the Occupy movement worldwide has directedattention to widespread discontent with social and economic inequality,"corporate greed," and the influence of corporate lobbying ingovernment. Among both those for and against the movement, opinionsvary on the significance and importance of these protests. Occupiers ofall creeds insist on their continued demonstration until political andeconomic change is realized, but bankers ignore them and politicianssuch as Mitt Romney accuse them of enacting "class warfare." Yet at thecore, these protests and the surrounding debate are prompted by veryreal questions about the division of wealth, social justice, thegovernment's rule in regulation, and the freedom of an individual toattain all that he or she can.

Join the Philomathean Society andOccupy Penn for an open discussion led by a faculty panel on thehistorical, legal, political, and ethical dimensions of the Occupymovement. Audience questions are encouraged. Refreshments will beprovided.