Housing is Health: ending homelessness and HIV in Philadelphia. (Jim McDermott)

Friday, November 18, 2011 - 2:00pm

Claire Fagin Hall Auditorium at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

Housing is Health: ending homelessness and HIV in Philadelphia, a panel discussion

Speaker: Congressman Jim McDermott, a physician and architect of the federal AIDS
housing program; a representative from Philadelphia Department of Public
Health; and members of ACT UP Philadelphia, a storied AIDS activist group.

The panel is co-sponsored by graduate and undergraduate student groups from across the university, including the schools of medicine, law, nursing, public health, business and social policy.

The goals of this event will be: to highlight the impact of housing instability
among Philadelphians living with HIV, and to propose concrete steps that can be
taken at the local, state, and federal level to increase access to housing