Documentary: BAD FRIDAY: RASTAFARI AFTER CORAL GARDENS (Deborah Thomas & John Jackson)

Friday, December 9, 2011 - 2:00pm

Scribe Video Center 4212 Chestnut Street 3rd Floor Philadelphia, PA, 19104


Producer and Co-Directors: Dr. Deborah Thomas & Dr. John Jackson, University of Pennsylvania

Bad Friday focuses on a community of Rastafarians in western Jamaica who annually commemorate the 1963 Coral Gardens "incident," a moment just after independence when the Jamaican
government rounded up, jailed and tortured hundreds of Rastafarians. It
chronicles the history of violence in Jamaica through the eyes of its
most iconic community, and shows how people use their recollections of
past traumas to imagine new possibilities for the future. (Jamaica,
2011, 68 minutes, English & Jamaican Creole w/English Subtitles)

For more information, please see Scribe Video Center.