Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum
"Who's Got the Knife? The Role of Surgeons in Transplant Trafficking."
Speaker: Dr. Nancy Scheper Hughes, University of California, Berkeley
On October 27, 2011Levy Itzhak Rosenbaum, a well-connected international transplantbroker, pleaded guilty in a Trenton, NJ federal courtroom to threecounts of organizing the sale and transfer of kidneys purchased from poor Israelis who were trafficked into the USto supply the needs of American transplantpatients. He also pleaded guilty to conspiracy. ButRosenbaum, responsible for more than a hundred illegal transplants fromNew York City to California, stood alone in the courtroom. With whomdid the broker conspire? This lecture, based on15 years of ethnographic and investigative research into international criminal networks of transplant trafficking , compares state and criminal justice responsesin concurrent and linked prosecutionsin Brazil, South Africa, Moldova, Turkey, andKosovo. In these cases, in addition to the universally reviled ‘organsbrokers’ and their assistant kidney hunters,the accused in the courtrooms have included blood technicians, hospitaladministrators, medical insurance executives, the kidney buyers (recipients), translators, travel agents, nurses, safe house operators, and transplant surgeons andnurses who were charged with organized crime, human trafficking, fraud,contravening organ and tissue laws. Some served stiff prison sentences whileothers paid steep financial penalties in exchange for turning state’switness . Only in South Africa, however, were transplant surgeons initially charged with‘assault with a deadly weapon” harming the bodies of traffickedkidney sellers, some of whom were minors. Drawing on key informantinterviews with the surgeons involved in these complicated transactions, I will explorethe moral reasoning, defense, and the limits of responsibility andculpability of transplant surgeons who, knowingly or not, filled the role of bystander,witness, collaborator, facilitator, organizer or victim of international transplant trafficking.(My title is not an allusion to the detective game “Clue”, but to thechallenge raised by a Europol detective to transplant surgeons at a UNmeeting on combating the traffic in humans for organs).