Penn's Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention (ASAP): The Invisible War. (Deborah Jesseman)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012 - 4:00pm

Terrace Room, Cohen Hall

Penn's Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention (ASAP) invites you to a film screening and discussion:

“The Invisible War”

Discussion moderated by Deborah Jesseman, Director, Norristown Veteran's Center and certified sexual trauma counselor.

“’The Invisible War’ is a groundbreaking investigative documentary about one of our country's most shameful and best kept secrets: the epidemic of rape within our US military. Today, a female soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan is more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire with the number of assaults in the last decade alone in the hundreds of thousands. Focusing on the powerfully emotional stories of several young women, the film reveals the systemic cover up of the crimes against them and follows their struggles to rebuild their lives and fight for justice.”