Tribute to Loren Eiseley

Thursday, November 15, 2012 - 2:00pm

Bombay Room of the Chestnut Hill Hotel, 8229 Germantown Avenue


TheChestnut Hill Book Festivalorganizers arelooking for peoplewho'd like to join them in offering a tribute to the famed and beloved Philadelphiawriter, Loren Eiseley. The event will take place on November 15 at 7 p.m. in the Bombay Room of the Chestnut Hill Hotel,8229 Germantown Avenue, as part of the Chestnut Hill Book Festival'songoing speaker/writer series.

            Interestedpersons may take part in the tribute in any number of ways.

            First:You are welcome to come and speak briefly about how Loren Eiseley's writingshave touched your heart or mind.

            Second:You could read a favorite passage from any of his writings.

            Third:You're invited to bring an artistic painting, drawing, collage, video,photographs or sound recordings.

            Fourth:If you have signed copies of Loren Eiseley's books and would like to show themto others or talk about how you acquired the book, please do so.

            Fifth:You're welcome to attend, just to listen.

            Pleasebear in mind that you need not be an "expert," i.e. a scholar, anauthor, a person who once knew Eiseley, a professional speaker. The onlyqualification you need to attend and – if you like – participate is that youhave read Loren Eiseley (or are considering it) and have something to say.Let's call this a "people-to-people" conference.

            Theamount of time you'll get to speak depends on how many other folks want tospeak that night. Be prepared to sum up your thoughts in a sentence or two andfeel blessed if a snowstorm turns back all but two or three of us. Then we willbe able to talk at length. If a lot of people come, think of this as acollective voice tribute.

             Contact Hugh Gilmore (former U of P-trained primatologist) via e-mail (" or snail mail (8618 Millman Place, Philadelphia, 19118)as soon as possible so we can organize this program. If the tribute programgets overly-filled with speakers we'll give preference on a first-comefirst–served basis, so get your bid in early.

            For Hugh Gilmore's connection to LorenEiseley, go to and see his "A Remembrance of LorenEiseley." (E-book format only)