Ninth Annual Kolb Junior Fellows Spring Colloquium

Thursday, May 1, 2014 - 10:00am

Widener Lecture Hall, Penn Museum

2:00 Professor C. Brian Rose,Kolb Society of Fellows Faculty Coordinator

Welcome and Introduction

2:10 Sam C. Lin (Department ofAnthropology)

Distinct Tool Types or Sharp Rocks of Various Shapes? A NewLook at Middle Paleolithic Assemblage Variability and Neanderthal BehavioralPattern

2:45 Steve Renette (Art andArchaeology of the Mediterranean World Graduate Group)

Along the Mountain Passes: the Kani Shaie ArchaeologicalProject

3:20 break

3:35 Amanda Reiterman (Art andArchaeology of the Mediterranean World Graduate Group)

Antique, Heirloom, Curiosity, or Amulet?: Identifying andAssessing “Curated” Objects in the Ancient Mediterranean

4:10 Margaret Andrews (Art andArchaeology of the Mediterranean World Graduate Group)

The Decoration of Domitian’s Forum in Rome: A Reconsiderationof the Attic Storey and a New Proposal for the Setting of the CancelleriaReliefs

4:45 Professor C. Brian Rose

Introduction of the Newly Elected Kolb Junior Fellows

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