Past Events
Penn Book Center: No One Had a Tongue to Speak (Utpal Sandesara & Tom Wooten)
March 19, 2012
Penn Book Center 130 S. 34th Street
The Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Program and the Department of English and The Center for Africana Studies present a Global Gender Seminar: Erotic Isles: Queer Artistry and Activism in a Caribbean Nation (Lyndon Gil)
March 19, 2012
University Museum, Room 345
Dr. Gregory L. Possehl Memorial Gathering
March 17, 2012
Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum
Transnationalism: A Useful Category of Analysis?
March 15, 2012
McNeil Center, 3355 Woodland Walk
The Provost's Office, the Annenberg School for Communication, the Department of Anthropology, and the Graduate School of Education: Screening Scholarship: How does film fit into the world of academic scholarship? (Faye Ginsburg & Brian Brazeal)
March 15, 2012
Annenberg Room 500
The Penn Cultural Heritage Center: Archaeological Contraband and the Smuggler's Blues: US v. Schultz & Beyond. (Ricardo St. Hilaire)
March 15, 2012
Classroom 2, Penn Museum
The Urban Studies Program: Surveillance and Civil Liberties in Inner City Neighborhoods. (Philippe Bourgois, Jerry Ratcliffe, David Rudovsky, & Alice Goffman)
March 14, 2012
College Hall Room 314
The School of Arts and Sciences’ Knowledge by the Slice: The Body Politic: The Battle Over Science in America. (Jonathan Moreno, David and Lyn Silfen)
March 14, 2012
Claudia Cohen Hall, Terrace Room
The Penn Science Café: The Life, Death and Rebirth of the Mississippi Delta. (Doug Jerolmack)
March 13, 2012
Drinker's West, 39th and Chestnut Streets
Penn Anthropology Colloquium: Nikhil Anand, 'Leaky States' (3/12/2012)
March 12, 2012