
  • I am a PhD/MPH candidate working at the intersections of medical anthropology and...

  • Kowalski Family Teaching Specialist for Digital Archaeology

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor

    Alissa Jordan is the Associate Director of the Center for Experimental...
  • Assistant Professor of Basic and Translational Sciences, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine

  • PIK Professor of Anthropology; Professor of Historic Preservation, Weitzman School of Design

    Lynn Meskell is Richard D. Green Professor of Anthropology in the School of Arts and...

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor

  • Assistant Professor of Anthropology

    Emily Ng is Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the...

  • Professor of Anthropology; Director, MD-PhD Program in Anthropology

    Adriana Petryna is Professor in Anthropology...

  • Assistant Professor of Anthropology

    Mallika S. Sarma is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology and...

  • Professor Emeritus, Anthropology

    Robert L. Schuyler is an anthropologist  with a specialization in Historical...