Drinker's West, 39th and Chestnut Streets
The Penn Science Café presents:
“The Life, Death and Rebirth of the Mississippi Delta”
Doug Jerolmack, Earth and Environmental Science, Penn
The Gulf Oil Spill and Hurricane Katrina are just the latest blows to a delta that has been dying a slow death from decades of mismanagement and neglect. In this talk Jerolmack will discuss the origins of the Mississippi Delta, use simple scientific principles to illustrate the causes and consequences of modern wetland loss in coastal Louisiana and introduce possible scientific solutions for the long-term sustainability of the Delta. He will also discuss what recent catastrophic flooding in the Delta has taught us about how rivers build land into the ocean.
The Café events are free and open to the public, but RSVPs are encouraged. For more information or directions, contact Gina Bryan at 215-898-8721 or email bryangm@pobox.upenn.edu.