Rainey Auditorium
Dr. Robert J. Sharer
Sallyand Alvin V. Shoemaker Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University ofPennsylvania and Curator Emeritus of the American Section at the University ofPennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Saturday,November 10, 2012
11:00 am
Universityof Pennsylvania Museum
ofArchaeology and Anthropology
3260South Street
Philadelphia,PA 19104
Reminiscencesby colleagues and friends
To RSVPcall 215.898.2680
or email tenat@upenn.edu
Contributions to the Robert J.Sharer Maya Publications Fund will support the continued publication of hiswork at the Penn Museum and can be left with the Museum Development Staff atthe entrance to the service and/or reception, or sent to Lisa Batt, DevelopmentOffice, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Please makechecks payable to “Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania” with "RobertJ. Sharer Maya Publications Fund” in the memo line. Thank you.