Past Events
Penn Anthropology Colloquium: Adam Smith, 'The Political Machine: Sense, Sensibility, and Sentiment in the Bronze Age Caucasus' (11/19/2012)
November 19, 2012
Penn Anthropology Colloquium: The Political Machine: Sense, Sensibility, and Sentiment in the Late Bronze Age Caucasus. (Smith)
November 19, 2012
University Museum 345
Penn Social Science & Policy Forum: The Political Theory of Austerity: History of a Dangerous Idea. (Blyth)
November 16, 2012
College Hall 205
Tribute to Loren Eiseley
November 15, 2012
Bombay Room of the Chestnut Hill Hotel, 8229 Germantown Avenue
The Fireside Lounge: Benjamin Franklin Scholars (Fernandez-Duque)
November 15, 2012
CURF building: 220 S. 40th St., 2nd Floor
South Asia Studies: Title TBD. (Guneratne)
November 15, 2012
816 Williams Hall
PROOF in the Biological, Social and Behavioral Sciences: How does the peer-review process evaluate proof? (11/13/12)
November 13, 2012
Year of Proof: How does the peer-review process evaluate proof?
November 13, 2012
Penn Museum Classroom 2, University of Pennsylvania
Penn Anthropology Colloquium: Joanna Setchell, 'Multi-Modal Signalling in Mandrills' (11/12/2012)
November 12, 2012
Penn Anthropology Colloquium: Multi-Modal Signalling in Mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx). (Setchell)
November 12, 2012
University Museum 345