Past Events
Dr. Robert J. Sharer Memorial Gathering
November 10, 2012
Rainey Auditorium
Penn Social Science & Policy Forum: Inequality in America: The One Percent in Historical and Comparative Perspective. (Piketty)
November 9, 2012
College Hall 205
The Department of Sociology and the Center for East Asian Studies: Rural Migrant Children in China’s Urban Schools: Patterns and Conceptual Issues. (Hao)
November 9, 2012
169 McNeil Building
Penn Social Science & Policy Forum: Social Democratic America. (Kenworthy)
November 9, 2012
College Hall 205
Annenberg School Colloquium: Networks of political mobilization: how digital media channels communication and triggers participation. (Gonzalez-Bailon)
November 9, 2012
Annenberg School, Room 500
Penn Cultural Heritage Center: The Carabinieri for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. (Manola & Ragusa)
November 8, 2012
Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum
27th Annual Joseph Alexander Colloquium: Anne Frank: From Diary to Book. (Shandler)
November 8, 2012
Benjamin Franklin Room, Houston Hall
South Asia Studies: Tenuous sovereignty, precarious citizenship: civil war in central India. (Sundar)
November 8, 2012
816 Williams Hall
SPEC Conaissance: Arianna Huffington, Editor-in-Chief, The Huffington Post
November 7, 2012
Irvine Auditorium Class of 1958 Cafe, University of Pennsylvania
The Middle East Center: A New Political Geography for Israel/Palestine? A Southern Perspective. (Yiftachel)
November 7, 2012
Meyerson Hall (School of Design), Room B2, 210 S 34th St.