Erica Jaffe Redner is a PhD candidate in cultural anthropology. Her research is broadly concerned with social outcomes that emerge from the decision-making of a diverse set of institutions and actors in the economic sphere, with a strong emphasis on corporations. She’s especially interested in the long-term effects of deindustrialization, issues related to job insecurity and underemployment, spillovers between one’s work and home lives, and class diversity in the workplace. Erica’s current work examines the professional trajectories of first-generation blue-collar background college graduates. Prior to pursuing doctoral studies, Erica served as a research assistant at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics and the Kennedy School of Government. She remains deeply committed to both institutions’ missions of mobilizing scholarship to address practical problems.
Selected Publications
“In the Name of Development: Moving Cerrejón Mountain, Its Coal, and Its People.” ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America 13:2 (Winter 2014), pp. 54-57.
“Extracted from Colombia: One Woman’s Work to Counteract the Destructive Force of Multinational Mining on the Wayúu of La Guajira.” Cultural Survival Quarterly 36:1 (March 2012), pp. 8-9.
“Voice of Conscience: Mick Dodson’s Place Amidst Australia’s Unfinished Business.” Cultural Survival Quarterly 35:4 (December 2011), pp. 10-11.