Penn Museum
CAAM Rm. 161
Ph.D. in Archaeology, Boston University; B.A. in Anthropology, Beloit College
Research Interests
Archaeobotany; cooking and plant processing techniques; agricultural sustainability; Paleolithic diet in Southwest Asia; Classical and Roman agricultural practices in Greece; Historical foodways in 19th-century Charleston, SC, and the horticultural past of Philadelphia, PA
Selected Publications
In press. Scotton, P., Ziskowski, A., Radloff, L., Sarris, A., Fallu, D., White, C.E., Reynolds, P., and M. Ierardi. Report of the First Three Seasons of the Lechaion Harbor and Settlement Land Project (2016-2018). Forthcoming in Hesperia, Spring 2024.
2021 White, C.E. Return to the Field: Investigating Roman Foods at Lechaion Harbor, Greece: The Humble Recipes of Ancient Dockworkers. Expedition 64(1): 10-13.
2020 White, C.E. (ed.). Thematic issue: Investigating Philadelphia’s Historical Gardens. Expedition 62(2), Fall Issue.
2020 Coulter, E., Pearson, B., Stein, J., and C.E. White. A Botanical Discovery at Bartram’s Garden: Evidence for Preserved Plant Material. Expedition 62(2): 56-67. Thematic issue: Investigating Philadelphia’s Historical Gardens.
2020 White, C.E., McCreery, D.M., and F.H. Toro. Crop Storage, Processing, and Cooking Practices at Numayra: The Plant Remains. In Numayra: Excavations at the Early Bronze Age Townsite in Jordan, 1977-1983, eds. R.T. Schaub, W. Rast, and M.S. Chesson. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, pp. 370-394.
2019 White, C.E., Toro, F.H., and J. White. Rice Carbonization and the Archaeobotanical Record: Experimental Results from the Ban Chiang Ethnobotanical Collection, Thailand. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11: 6501-6513.
2019 Chesson, M.S., Wolff, N.P.S., Robb, J., Yoon, D., Gillings, D., Fiore, I., Michelaki, K., Tagliacozzo, A., Taylor, J., and C.E. White. A Building’s Biography at Sant’Aniceto, Italy: Events, Social Memories, and Community Building in a Final Bronze Age Site. Journal of Field Archaeology 44(7): 480-499.
2019 White, C.E., Marston, J.M., and A. Farahani (eds.). Applied Archaeobotany of Southwest Asia: A Tribute to Naomi F. Miller. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 28(3): 1-6.
2018 White, C.E., and N.F. Miller. The Archaeobotany of Grape and Wine in Hittite Anatolia. Die Welt des Orient 48(2): 209-224.
2016. White, C.E., Sopov, A., and M.E.Ostovich. An Archaeology of Sustenance: The Endangered Market Gardens ofIstanbul. In Archaeology for the People:Joukowsky Institute Perspectives, eds. J. Cherry and F. Rojas. JoukowskyInstitute Publication 7.Oxford, UK:Oxbow Books, pp. 29-38.
2015 Stutz, A., Shea, J.J., Belmaker, M., Rech, J.,Pigati, J., Wilson, J., Albert, R.M., Arpin, T., Cabanes, D., Clark, J.L.,Hartman, G., Hourani, F., White, C.E., and L.G. Nilsson Stutz. Early UpperPaleolithic Chronology in the Levant: New ABOX-SC AMS Results from the Mughrel-Hamamah Site, Jordan. Journal of HumanEvolution 85: 157-173.
2015 Asouti, E., Kabukcu, C., White, C.E., Kuijt, I., Finlayson, B., and C. Makarewicz. Early Holocene Woodland Vegetation and HumanImpacts in the Arid Zone of the Southern Levant. The Holocene 25: 1565-1580.
2015 White, C.E., Sopov, A., and M.A. Casson. Heritage under Threat: Saving the Ancient Gardens ofIstanbul, Turkey. SAA ArchaeologicalRecord 15(1): 7-10.
2014 White, C.E., Chesson, M.S., and R.T. Schaub. ARecipe for Disaster: Emerging Urbanism and Unsustainable Plant Economies atEarly Bronze Age Ras an-Numayra, Jordan. Antiquity88(340): 363-377.
Courses Taught
ANTH 2267/5267 Living World in Archaeological Science
ANTH 3240/5240 Plants and Society
ANTH 5320 Archaeobotany Seminar