Standing Faculty

Richard Leventhal

Professor of Anthropology

Kathleen Morrison

Sally and Alvin V. Shoemaker Professor of Anthropology

Nikhil Anand

Daniel Braun Silvers, W’98, WG’99 and Robert Peter Silvers, C’02 Family Presidential Professor of Anthropology.

Affiliated Faculty

Lawrence Blum

Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine. Associated Faculty, Anthropology

Marilynne Diggs-Thompson

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Alissa Jordan

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Graduate Group

Justin Clapp

Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology & Critical Care at the Perelman School of Medicine. Associated Faculty, Anthropology

Brian Daniels

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Betsy Rymes

Professor, Chair, Educational Linguistics Division


Sandra Barnes

Professor Emerita, Anthropology

Frances Barg

Professor, Perelman School of Medicine. Associated Faculty, Anthropology

Clark Erickson

Professor Emeritus, Anthropology

Visiting Scholars

Lucas da Costa Maciel

Visiting Scholar

Ahana Ghosh

Visiting Scholar

Austin Chad Hill

Postdoctoral Fellow