B.A. (Social Science) California State University at Fresno, magna cum laude, 1979. M.A. (Anthropology) University of Chicago, 1985. Ph.D. (Anthropology) University of Chicago, 1993.
Research Interests
Dr. Hall is the author of Lives in Translation: Sikh Youth as British Citizens. Her research and publications focus on four major areas: immigration, citizenship, racial and class inequality, and national incorporation in the United Kingdom and the United States; the politics of knowledge in public sector policy and governance; risk management, human rights, and anti-terrorism law in the United Kingdom; and concepts of "global citizenship" and related efforts to "internationalize" K-16 education in the U.S. and the U.K.
Selected Publications
Hall, K. D.: British Sikh Lives Lived in Translation. Everyday Life in South Asia, 2nd Edition. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press 2009.
Hall, K. D.: Security and the Risk Management State: British Anti-Terrorism Policies After 7/7. Politics, Publics, Personhood: New Ethnographies at the Limits of Neoliberalism. C. Greenhouse (eds.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009.
Hall, K. D., & McDermott, R.: Scientifically Debased Research on Learning, 1854-2006. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 38(11): 82-88, 2007.
Hall, K. D.: "Until All of Us Are Home”: The Process of Leadership at Project HOME. A Leadership for a Changing World Collaborative Ethnography. Ford Foundation Leadership for A Changing World Project. 2006.
Hall, K. D.: Science, Globalization and Educational Governance: The Political Rationalities of the New Managerialism. The Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. Special edition on Globalization and Education 12(1): 153-182, Winter 2005.
Hall, K. D.: The Ethnography of Imagined Communities: The Cultural Production of Sikh Ethnicity in Britain. Being Here and Being There: Fieldwork Encounters and Ethnographic Discoveries. E. Anderson, S. Brooks, R. Gunn & N. Jones (eds.). The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science [Special Issue] Page: 595, 2004.
Hall, K. D.: Asserting ‘Needs’ and Claiming ‘Rights’: The Cultural Politics of ‘Minority’ Language Education in Britain. Language, Identity and Education 1(2), 2002.
Hall, K. D.: Lives in Translation: Sikh Youth as British Citizens. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002.
Hall, K. D.: The South Asian Diaspora in Britain. South Asian Folklore: An Encyclopedia. P. J. Claus, S. Diamond, & M. Mills (eds.). New York: Routledge, 2002.
Courses Taught
ANTH5470 Anthropology & Education
ANTH7040 Culture/Power/Identities
ANTH7070 Craft of Ethnography