Dual B.A. in History/Anthropology at Georgia State University 2009
M.A. in Anthropology at Georgia State University 2015
Born and raised in South Georgia with a quick stent in Central Florida sunshine. Oranges, Peaches, and Peanut Butter are my favorite food groups. College took me to Hotlanta, Georgia in 2003 where I found a new home and new passion in Archaeology. Currently Living in South Philly, where I have been slowly and excitedly making it my new home since early 2017!
Research Interests
I've been enjoying archaeology since 2007 and focus on digital methodology, civic engagement, and how gamification can be applied to archaeological fieldwork and data. I've been working primarily in Azerbaijan since 2008, and look forward to continue working there. I've been building TARA(Toolkit for Archaeological Research & Analysis) for the Early Mesopotamian and Persian Gulf project at the Upenn Museum since January of 2017 and look forward to integrating this system with my future dissertation research