Weingarten Associate Curator for North America
Phone:University Museum Room 429
Major Research Projects:
Natchez Bluffs Archaeological Project: penn.museum/research/project.php?pid=221
Heritage West: The West Philadelphia Community Archaeology Project: heritagewestphl.org
PhD University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
BA Beloit College
Office Hours
CV (file)
CV (url)
Research Interests
Archaeology of North America, Eastern Woodlands; prehistoric archaeology, Woodland Period; Native American and Indigenous studies; monument construction and communal ritual; mounds and plazas; temporal perspectives in archaeology; food and feasting; ceramic technology; public and museum archaeology; community archaeology; archaeology of the Philadelphia region, African-American archaeology
Selected Publications
Courses Taught
ANTH219: Archaeology in the City of Brotherly Love (fieldtrip syllabus; excavation syllabus)
ANTH184: Food and Culture (syllabus)
ANTH0010: Archaeology: Window to the Human Past (syllabus)
ANTH2267/5267: Living World in Archaeological Science (syllabus)
ANTH6000: Contemporary Archaeology in Theory (syllabus)
ANTH5490: Monuments and Memory: Topics in Archaeological Method and Theory (syllabus)
ANTH5490: The Power of the Pot: Social and Archaeological Uses of Ceramics (syllabus)
ANTH128: Peopling Prehistory: The Archaeology of Native North America (syllabus)
Anthropology Department Faculty
Weingarten Associate Curator, American Section, University Museum
Center for Ancient Studies (Associated Scholar, Faculty Advisory Board, Executive Committee)
Native American and Indigenous Studies (Faculty Advisor)
Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies/Alice Paul Center for Research on Gender, Sexuality, and Women (Affiliated Faculty)