Courses Taught:
ANTH6030 Language in Culture and Society
I am pursuing a dual PhD in the departments of anthropology and music, focusing...
Andrew M. Carruthers...
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania 2012 M.P.H., University of...
Juliet Pascal Glazer is a sixth-year PhD candidate in the University of...
Eric is a legal anthropologist and visiting scholar in the Semiotics Lab. After...
Nursyazwani's dissertation research is situated at the anthropological interfaces...
Xiao is a linguistic anthropology PhD candidate working with (agro-)pastoralists...
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology & Critical Care at the Perelman School of Medicine. Associated Faculty, Anthropology
Doctoral Student
Doctoral Student
Visiting Scholar
Doctoral Student
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Doctoral Student