Graduate Alumni Database

Alumni Database

Name Graduation Year Subfield Advisor Dissertation Title
Christopher Golias 2016
Fighting With Wine: Ruin, Resistance and Renewal in Qom Community of Northern Argentina
Nicholas Iacobelli 2016
Wards of the State: Care and Custody In A Pennsylvania Prison 
Michael Joiner 2016
From Thick to Thin: The Remaking of Homeopathy in France
Adam Leeds 2016
Spectral Liberalism: On The Subjects of Political Economy in Moscow
Julie McWilliams 2016
The “Black Box” of Post-resettlement: Refugee Youth and Educational Aspiration in South Philadelphia 
Utpal Sandesara 2016
"A Necessary Sin": An Ethnographic Study of Sex Selection In Western India 
Kristin Searle 2016
Culturally Responsive Computing for American Indian Youth: Making Activities with Electronic Textiles in the Native Studies Classroom
Arjun Shankar 2016
Development, value, an Education in India's Digital Age
Lynsey Bates 2015
Surplus an Access: Provisioning and Market Participation by Enslaved Laborers on Jamaican Sugar Estates
Nicholas Limerick 2015
Becoming Multicultural Emblems: The Politics and Poetics of Quechua Language and Culture In Intercultural Bilingual Education in Ecuador