Graduate Alumni Database

Alumni Database

Name Graduation Year Subfield Advisor Dissertation Title
Grace Golden 2020
Masters Thesis: Occupation, Loss, and Cultural Heritage: The Social Condition of Frozen Conflict in Georgia
Kyle Olson 2020
Models of Trade and Polity Formation in Bronze Age Northeastern Iran, CA. 3200-1600 BCE
Joseph Young 2020
Impossible Terrain: An Ethnography of Policing in Atlantic City, New Jersey
Joseph Aguilar 2019
Asserting Sovereignty: An Indigenous Archaeology of the Pueblo Revolt Period at Tunyo, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico
Tiffany Cain 2019
Materializing Political Violence: Segregation, War, & Memory in Quintana Roo, Mexico 
Thomas Hardy 2019
Assembling States: Community Formation and the Emergence of the Inca Empire 
Sam Larson 2019
The Affiliative Social Relations of Free-Ranging Rhesus Macaques in the Context of Instability
Li Li 2019
Masters Thesis: The Incorporation of Computer Simulation in Artifact Orientation Analysis: A Case Study of Shuidonggou Locality 2, China
Michelle Munyikwa 2019
"Up From the Dirt": Racializing Refuge, Rupture, & Repair in Philadelphia
Negar Razavi 2019
“With Grave Concern”: Policy Experts, National Security, and U.S. Policy towards the “Middle East”