Graduate Alumni Database

Alumni Database

Name Graduation Year Subfield Advisor Dissertation Title
Sam Lin 2014
Experimentation and Scientific Inference Building in the Study of Hominin Behavior Through Stone Artifact Archaeology
Leah Lowthorp 2014
Scenarios of Endangered Culture, Shifting Cosmopolitanisms: Kutiyattam and Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritage in Kerala India
Derek Newberry 2014
From Brazilian Ethanol to Global Green Energy: Managing Cross-Cultural Barriers to the Commodification of Biofuel
Dori Panzer 2014
Tiocfaidh Ár Lá (our day will come): Negotiating The Cultural Politics of Citizenship, Heritage, and Identity in Northern Ireland
Rebecca Pardo 2014
Looking Forward/Looking Back: The Production of Television and the Television Audience at MTV Canada
Jill Siegel 2014
The House That Miss Ruby Built: Conceptions of Identity, Value and Social Relationships in Limited Equity Cooperatives
Rachel Throop 2014
Critique and Its Consequence: Class, Culture, and the Teach for America Movement
Hannah Voorhees 2014
Anticipating Endangerment: Nanuuq, Climate Change, and Environment Autonomy in Northwestern Alaska
Joanne Baron 2013
Patrons of La Corona: Dieties and Power in a Classic Maya Community
Elizabeth ErkenBrack 2013
The Mobilization of Quechua in Media Publics in Cusco Tourism: A Study of Transient Participation Frames, Collaborative Authorship, and Mediatized Personhood in Cusquena Tourism Media