Graduate Alumni Database
Alumni Database
Name | Graduation Year | Subfield | Advisor | Dissertation Title |
Sam Lin | 2014 |
Experimentation and Scientific Inference Building in the Study of Hominin Behavior Through Stone Artifact Archaeology
Leah Lowthorp | 2014 |
Scenarios of Endangered Culture, Shifting Cosmopolitanisms: Kutiyattam and Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritage in Kerala India
Derek Newberry | 2014 |
From Brazilian Ethanol to Global Green Energy: Managing Cross-Cultural Barriers to the Commodification of Biofuel
Dori Panzer | 2014 |
Tiocfaidh Ár Lá (our day will come): Negotiating The Cultural Politics of Citizenship, Heritage, and Identity in Northern Ireland
Rebecca Pardo | 2014 |
Looking Forward/Looking Back: The Production of Television and the Television Audience at MTV Canada
Jill Siegel | 2014 |
The House That Miss Ruby Built: Conceptions of Identity, Value and Social Relationships in Limited Equity Cooperatives
Rachel Throop | 2014 |
Critique and Its Consequence: Class, Culture, and the Teach for America Movement
Hannah Voorhees | 2014 |
Anticipating Endangerment: Nanuuq, Climate Change, and Environment Autonomy in Northwestern Alaska
Joanne Baron | 2013 |
Patrons of La Corona: Dieties and Power in a Classic Maya Community
Elizabeth ErkenBrack | 2013 |
The Mobilization of Quechua in Media Publics in Cusco Tourism: A Study of Transient Participation Frames, Collaborative Authorship, and Mediatized Personhood in Cusquena Tourism Media